News & Events

ISA Automation Week 2013

Written by ISA100 | Jan 26, 2023 3:35:00 PM
The ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute hosted a booth at ISA's 2013 Automation week.  WCI was met with a high level of interest, especially from users/asset owners.  WCI also met with several supplier companies who saught information about WCI membership.

Andre Ristaino, Managing Director, ISA100 Wireless Complaince Institute, gave a presentation this month at the 2013 ISA Automation week.  He discussed the continued upward trend in market uptake of ISA100 Wireless, WCI’s collaborations with other standards groups, and the new ISA100 Wireless technical ecosystem.  The technical ecosystem, new this year, is a group of 5 technology providers who provide ISA100 Wireless product integration support all around the globe.  He also covered novel ISA100 Wireless applications such as the SIL2 certified wireless gas sensor by GasSecure, the FIPS 140-2 compliant Wireless Gateways and sensors nodes by Ultra -3eti, and codition monitoring solutions, mounted and portable, by GE, the HART Adapter and Enraf Wireless FlexLine level sensor by Honeywell.

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